Sunday 24 May 2015


Time is something nobody seems to have these days. I too seem to suffer from the "no time" syndrome.

Time is one of those things that when it has passed, you can never get it back nor change what has happened. I find myself feeling guilty for never having much time to do anything. We always seem to plan more for the future and reminisce more about the past than actually living in the present. 

One of the harsh realisations that we need to come to terms with is that as we become better and better year after year and as we plan for this future, we neglect the fact that our parents are growing older. I for one have this mentality that everyone I love is immortal. Every day we exist, but we do not live. We need to slow down, take a breather and just live. 

Life happens when you're too busy making plans.

8 months ago, I lost a friend that was so dear to me. The thought of it still leaves me raw on the inside. A month later, one of my best friends lost her father, a man whom we thought could outlive anything. The thing is, anything can happen to anyone at any time, yet we still take it for granted. We have grown so fond to this thing we call pride that it blinds us from what is truly important. We don't apologize because it would make us the "weaker" person. We don't dream big because our peers didn't dream big. We don't love because loving is for sissies. All in all, we don't do what we want or what we're suppose to because someone has already planned and decided for us.

We are the generation with the greatest amount of resources, abilities and opportunities but we don't have the time to make the most out of it. 

So my question to you is, were you born to fit in and follow or were you born to stand out and lead? Use the time you have, however long it is and be a better person. Spend time with family, friends, those who always have your back. Get rid of the negativity and live a better life. Don't be the person on their deathbed going, "what if...". Be the person that when people ask, "If you could relive anything, what would you change?" You'd say, "Not a damn thing."

Time is priceless. Use it wisely. Change the world.

In loving memory of Tyra Hannie and Winston van Bosch.

