Tuesday 17 February 2015


No, not the dirty dancing kind, but the doing the dirty work kind.

Many modern artists, mainly rappers, use the word "grind" in their music. Just another definition of hard work. Let's face it, unless you have an unlimited income or you plan on bunking with your parents for the rest of your life, (and they let you) you would
have experienced the pressure of "being on that grind" at least once in your life.

Let me not become all sentimental and preach about hard work and dedication, but let us rather reflect on a fact. What you put out into the world, the same you will get back. If you think about it, people are like parasites. They feed on your failure, yes it may leave you feeling drained, but can you imagine the amount of success you'd feed on once you overcome all the obstacles you've faced. For example, Nelson Mandela. Please raise your hand if you do not know who that man was... Yeah, thought so. Known all around the world. Imagine a world where Nelson Mandela, the original 'G', had succumb to his failures or rather the challenges he faced daily. We would most likely not have as much benefits as we do now. All that greatness coming from a man born in the small village of Mvezo in the Eastern Cape.

What if you're the Nelson Mandela of our generation and all you have to do is grind. I mean nobody plans on being famous, they plan on being memorable. There's a saying that goes, "God didn't add another day to your life because you need it, He gave it because someone out there needs you."

We're all on this earth because we have a destiny. Live a fulfilling life. Don't be that guy laying on his death bed saying "I wish", be the guy that says, "I lived". We only have one life to live, if we do it properly, once is enough.

If you want a positive life, abandon the negative outlook.

Keep grinding and make that paper. Hustle hard!


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