Wednesday 11 February 2015

New Beginnings


A simple word that means something different to about everyone. To me "new" means change. Change can be good or it can be bad. Positive or negative. There's that word again, "negative". It seems many of us have become so accustomed to let the negativity in our lives take over and our lives become toxic.  We become toxic to those around us and they become toxic to those around them and so we start to spiral into a dark abyss. 

Well I simply think its time we change our mindset and see the greater things in life. Simple things really. Things that make us happy, like food. OH FOOD! Who doesn't love food?! Those who don't are immensely missing out. There's also things like fashion, travel, science, friendship, family and love. Yes, I said it, love!! I love me some good loving, don't you? Okay, cliché, I know, but you have to admit, the tacky flowers and chocolates does make one feel like a million dollars. (Ironically, I wear black on Valentine's Day.)

Here's to new beginnings. Not just another blog posting about another trend. More like a friend, posting about keeping it 100, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. 

Remember to keep #Repping Real!!


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